Akwaaba and Welcome!

This is my blog about my Peace Corps experience in Ghana. Im trying to incorporate as many photos as i can but with limited connectivity and bandwidth that could prove to be difficult but please, if you are curious about anything while im in country that i don't mention feel free to drop me a note. Other than that, I hope you enjoy reading about my travels through this beautiful country!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Catching Crickets and Carrying Bamboo

First off, sorry it has taken me so long to update! Time flies when it is so hot you have no perception of time… I just wanted to write a short recap of the past couple of months. I will write more detailed posts soon, i promise. So first, I got two puppies…Smart decision, right? No, they are really cute and make my days very entertaining. I got them from my friends site who knew a family that was selling. I originally wanted to only get one and had him for a couple of days or so. I named him Cricket and he is just a black, white and tan little bundle of joy. Then i heard that he had a sister and i thought that he might need a buddy since i might be gone for long periods of time and such. So i got her and so named her Bamboo. Don't ask me why these names…I just like them, k? The ghanaians always look at me funny when they ask me what their names are. For cricket they say something along the lines of "but that is not a name, it is a small insect, oh why?". Why? because its from one of my favorite shows, Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and his full name is Rickety Cricket. But i cant explain that now can I? So they have been keeping me mucho occupied.

Also this month we had our annual All Volunteer conference. Everyone came to the Volta region (convenient for me) and we had a four day long party…I mean…invigorating learning experience :) No it was great, i got to see everyone again some that i hadnt seen since swearing in and we had some great meetings involving HIV/AIDS outreach and awareness and what we can do to help spread the word in our communities. We stayed at a nice hotel and there was even hot showers, A/C and a swimming pool. Kinda wish it wasn't just once a year but after four days people were ready to get back to site and i was anxious to get back to my pups.

The new training group will be coming in less than a month and im excited to meet them. We have been chatting with them through a facebook group and giving them tips and advice on what to bring, what to expect, etc. Its nice to see how excited they are and remember how i felt a year ago getting ready to embark on this life-changing journey. They are like freshman. Us now being like sophomores and the group that will be COSing (close of service) are our seniors. Its strange to think of it that way buts thats really how we feel. Even if people in the group a year ahead of me are younger than me, they still feel older. And the new group is coming at a really exciting time, Peace Corps is celebrating its 50th year (Ghana being the first country to ever has PCV's! cool, huh?) and there will be lots of events and fun things going on when they swear-in come this August.

Okey dokey, i will update with a long post soon. In the meantime i will be getting ready and excited for my trip to South Africa in 2 months! Lions and cheetahs and wine country here i come!