Akwaaba and Welcome!

This is my blog about my Peace Corps experience in Ghana. Im trying to incorporate as many photos as i can but with limited connectivity and bandwidth that could prove to be difficult but please, if you are curious about anything while im in country that i don't mention feel free to drop me a note. Other than that, I hope you enjoy reading about my travels through this beautiful country!

Thursday, December 2, 2010


YAY, I have made it nearly 6 months here in Ghana! Its weird…sometimes it feels like i have been here forever but other times I cant believe the time has gone by so fast. I guess that's the way time goes here in Africa. When you are busy, you're BUSY. When things are slow, hours seem like days. But i am really enjoying myself and feel quite comfortable at my site and at my job. I surprisingly love teaching! Maybe it is because my students here at Jasico (combination of Jasikan and collge of education, clever aint it?) are older and I don't have to deal with kids and adolescents acting out and causing trouble. There is something about seeing someone take something you said into practice or execute something you have taught them. Its self-satisfying and I'm helping someone learn something new at same time The only thing I can think to compare it to is maybe when you're child takes their first steps or speaks for the first time. Im so proud of my 20-30 year olds!

So last week was sports week here on campus, which means that in the afternoon all of the students went to the playing fields for intramural sports and classes were cancelled. Now usually, being me, i looove when things are canceled and i have some free time but i really did not want that time taken away from my students. We barely have enough time during regular class hours for me to go through the lesson. But, as i have heard from all of my fellow education PCV's thats the way things go. Sometimes class time is not a priority especially for things like religion and apparently sports.

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